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Consider giving financially to sustain the mission of Camrec

Your faithful contributions to our Operating Fund, Campership fund, Long term endowment, and Capital projects will help to sustain Camrec for future generations to be blessed with.

Please note there is a 2.9% processing fee associated with debit/credit transactions.


Thank you for your partnership with us!

Checks can be made out to Camp CAMREC and mailed to the address at the bottom of the page.

All donations are fully tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Contributions can be designated to the following four funds:


General Fund-

With summer camp and other programmed retreats offered at an affordable rate, this fund assists with all aspects of our programs and operating costs.


Campership Fund-

A goal of Camrec is to provide low cost and heavily subsidized summer camp experiences for any child wishing to attend. Donations to this fund offset costs of summer camp and provide financial aid for campers who need it.


Long Term Endowment-

A long term endowment is in place which helps to sustain the operations of Camrec through the generated interest. Donations to this fund truly invest in Camrec's future for years to come. To discuss how you could include Camp Camrec in your estate planning, please contact us using the information at the bottom.


Capital Projects-

This fund is used for special projects such as improvements and additions to facilities. *See our ongoing Capital Project below!*



Staff Housing Capital Project

Additional staff housing is needed to carry Camrec into the future. We have not settled on a final design, but current thoughts include multiple living spaces so that we can have room for year round staff as well as have a separate smaller apartment for long term volunteers.


Included is one rendering of what the house and additional dwelling unit might look like set into the hillside here at camp!

The total amount that has been raised as of 6/17/2018 is $47,902.00 including pledges!


Thank you for all your support!​

Camp CAMREC Mission:


At Camp Camrec, in thanks for all the gifts we receive from God, we will:


  • Nurture children in the love of God, the love of others, and the love of Creation.

  • Welcome adults to a place and spiritual framework for rest and restoration.

  • Care for this beautiful part of creation and the extended landscape around us.

  • Embody Anabaptist/Mennonite values of peacemaking, simple living, service, and community.

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