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Young Adult Snow Camp


Preferred Name(s):

Last Name:



Home Congregation (if any):


If you are registering for more than 1 person, please list the others' name(s) and note the age of any children:

How do you plan to travel? Do you need a ride or are you able to offer a ride to others?

What dates do you hope to be at camp?
What off-site activities do you hope to participate in?

What time of day do you hope to arrive and what time of day do you hope to leave?

If you would like to snowshoe or cross country ski on-site, do you have access to equipment or would you like to rent any of it?

Do you plan to work remotely? If so, are there any specific accommodations you will need?

List any meal or snack suggestions:

Are you willing to help cook?

List any dietary restrictions or needs:

List any relevant medical concerns:

Do you have any other comments, suggestions, or questions regarding the Young Adult Snow Camp?

In order to make the event accessible to more young adults and their families regardless of their financial situation, we suggest a minimum contribution of $20 per day ($15 for lodging and $5 for food). We encourage you to contribute more or less depending on your situation. 


  - Online: After submitting your registration, you will be directed to an online payment page. Please consider increasing your payment by 3% to cover the cost of this convenience.
  - Cash: You may pay in cash when you arrive at camp.
  - Check: Please write it out to Camp CAMREC, list YA Snow Camp on the memo line, and either bring it in person or send it to our address listed at the bottom of the page.

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